KCT Trust

The KCT Team

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees operates in terms of a formal written charter which comprises a balance of leadership with nonexecutive trustees, whom are appointed by the Board through a formal process. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are attendees at board meetings. The Trust and its trustees are committed to complying with the principles of openness, integrity including accountability as advocated in the King Report on Governance of South Africa (King IV).

Governance and Institutional Arrangements Corporate Governance
Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees operates in terms of a formal written charter and comprises a balance of leadership with nonexecutive trustees, whom are appointed by the Board through a formal process. The Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Financial Officer are attendees at board meetings. The Trust and its trustees are committed to complying with the principles of openness, integrity and accountability as advocated in the King Report on Governance for South Africa (King IV). The following committees assist the Board in discharging its collective responsibility for corporate governance.

(ii) Executive Management Team

The executive team is collectively accountable for overall organisational performance. They take responsibility for vision, alignment and deployment; creating a culture of empowerment and for developing commitment. As such the team supports the CEO in formulating strategy, identifying and managing strategic issues whilst handling significant operational matters.

Executive Management

Samela Titus Nabe

Chief Executive Officer

Faizal Sulaima

Property Portfolio Manager

Lungelwa Sigasana Makaula

Group Corporate Services

Lukholo Badi

Group Development Manager

The executive team is collectively accountable for overall organizational performance. They take responsibility for Vision, alignment and deployment, creating a culture of empowerment and for developing commitment. As such the team supports the CEO in formulating the strategy, identifying and managing strategic issues and handling significant operational matters.